Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) (R2-DL/340/6/0578) (07/26) (A9478) Online
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) (R2/0414/6/0181) (04/28) (MQA/FA0782) On Campus
Untuk menjana sekumpulan modal insan yang berpengetahuan dalam bidang perniagaan dan pengurusan, serta berkompeten secara teknikal untuk menguruskan perusahaan perniagaan dengan cekap dan berkesan dan bersaing di peringkat antarabangsa.
- Untuk menjana sekumpulan modal insan yang berpengetahuan dalam bidang perniagaan dan pengurusan, serta berkompeten secara teknikal untuk menguruskan perusahaan perniagaan dengan cekap dan berkesan dan bersaing di peringkat antarabangsa.
- Mengukuhkan dan mengekalkan kebijaksanaan siswazah dalam membuat keputusan dan menyebarkan kelakuan etika dalam perniagaan yang dipandu oleh nilai-nilai dan prinsip-prinsip Islam.
- Memberi kesempatan yang sama bagi mereka yang mempunyai kecacatan fizikal dan kesihatan, khususnya, untuk memiliki kepakaran pengetahuan dan kepimpinan, dengan itu membolehkan mereka mencapai kejayaan penuh dan kejayaan kerjaya mereka.
- Untuk membenarkan graduan mempunyai pilihan karir yang lebih luas; mereka boleh membina kerjaya mereka dalam perniagaan atau teknologi maklumat berkaitan profesion.
- Untuk mewujudkan persepsi di kalangan pelajar bahawa mereka bukan sahaja perlu “pencari kerja” tetapi harus menjadi “pencipta kerja”.
- Untuk menanamkan dan menggalakkan pelajar untuk mengintegrasikan kepercayaan agama mereka dalam proses pembelajaran dengan niat berkurang, dan kemudian menghapuskan idea pemikiran bebas.
- Untuk melengkapkan graduan dengan pengetahuan asas dalam perniagaan dan teknologi komputer.
- Untuk meningkatkan kemahiran semasa dan masa depan graduan dalam teknologi perniagaan dan komputer.
- Memperbaiki dan mengekalkan kemahiran bertulis dan persembahan pelajar.
- Untuk menanamkan keperluan untuk disiplin diri, mampu melakukan kerja secara bebas dan sedar masa.
- Untuk menanamkan “kelaparan” untuk pengetahuan dan penghargaan terhadap potensi “kekayaan” di dalamnya.
A1. To generate a group of human capital who are knowledgeable in business and management, as well as technically competent to efficiently and effectively manage a business enterprise and compete internationally
A2. To strengthened and sustain graduates wisdom in decision- making and propagate ethical conduct in business guided by Islamic values and principles
A3. To provide equal opportunities for those who have physical and health disabilities, in particular, to possess a body of knowledge and leadership acumen, hence, enabling them to achieve their full potential and career success
A4. To allow graduate to have wider career choices; they may build their careers in business or information technologies related professions.
A5. To create a perceptions among students that they should not only be “job-seekers” but should be “job-creators”.
A6. To instill and encourage students to integrate their religious faith in the learning process with the intention of diminishing, and later eliminating the idea of free thoughts
- Pemahaman yang luas tentang prinsip-prinsip bidang perniagaan dan hubungan mereka dengan entiti lain dalam persekitaran perniagaan.
- Keupayaan untuk menganalisis sistematik dan mencabar secara sistematik menggunakan model dan teknologi yang sesuai yang diperoleh daripada pelbagai subjek dalam kurikulum.
- Kematangan dan kritikal dalam pemikiran, dan dapat memberikan idea dengan jelas, secara logik dan persuasif dalam komunikasi lisan dan bertulis.
- Menunjukkan pemahaman tentang kebimbangan etika utama dengan menganalisis alternatif dan mengenal pasti akibat yang timbul akibat tingkah laku yang tidak etis dan memilih tindakan yang sesuai untuk menghindari tingkah laku yang tidak etis.
- Memahami norma-norma dan amalan pentadbiran perniagaan di seluruh dunia.
- Kaedah pameran memeriksa persekitaran salib budaya.
- Menunjukkan sifat pemecahan masalah yang berkesan.
- Memberi analisis perniagaan yang meyakinkan dan persuasif.
- Kenal pasti dan saksikan aspek penting sesuatu isu dan kemudian tentukan hubungan yang penting untuk analisis masalah tersebut.
- Buat laporan bertulis atau lisan yang berkesan dengan menggunakan alatan analisis dan perisian persembahan yang sesuai (seperti SPSS, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint).
- Boleh meneruskan pengajian peringkat pasca siswazah dalam pentadbiran perniagaan.
- Menunjukkan kesedaran mengenai isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan masyarakat dan kemanusiaan; dan bertindak mengikut kod etika dan tanggungjawab profesional.
- Menunjukkan kemahiran keusahawanan dan kemahiran pengurusan, serta melihat keupayaan kemahiran yang dapat diperoleh [dipindahkan] ke dalam persekitaran kerja lain dan berbagai peluang di dalam dan di luar lapangan.
- Menggunakan teknologi maklumat dalam reka bentuk pentadbiran organisasi.
- Menganalisis kekuatan domestik dan global yang mempengaruhi kejayaan organisasi.
- Mampu memahami deretan organisasi domestik dan antarabangsa kejayaan organisasi.
PLO1 | Describe principles of business areas and their relationship to other entities in the business environment |
PLO2 | Analyze complex and challenging problems using appropriate models and technologies acquired from the various subjects in the curriculum. |
PLO3 | Illustrate social skills and responsibilities that are relevant to the business fields and able to present ideas clearly, logically and persuasively in both oral and written communications |
PLO4 | Demonstrate the major ethical concerns by analyzing alternatives and identifying consequences that result from unethical behavior and selecting an appropriate course of action in order to avoid unethical behavior |
PLO5 | Develop business expertise that demonstrate leadership, teamwork, communication and social skills which will facilitate the expansion of business practices, in decision-making, business approach and planning. |
PLO6 | Apply and summarize the important aspects of an issue and then determine relationships that are integral to analysis of the problem. Create an effectively written or oral report using appropriate analytic tools and presentation software (e.g., SPSS, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint |
PLO7 | Utilize information technologies in the design an administration of the organization |
PLO 8 | Demonstrate entrepreneurship and managerial skills, as well as in sights into the enabling nature of the gained key (transferable) skills in other work environments and the range of opportunities within and outside the field |
OC | – | Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons)(R/340/6/0645) (MQA/FA0782) | i. Passed STPM / A-Level with full passed in two (2) subjects; or ii. Passed in MEDIU’s Foundation Program with minimum CGPA of 2.00; or iii. Passed in any Diploma in related fields; or iv. Other qualifications recognized as equivalent by the Government of Malaysia.English language requirements for candidates whose primary language is not English: i. 550 TOEFL: or ii. 6.0 IELTS bandNote : HEP needs to ensure entry requirement for English which is English Placement Test cannot replace TOEFL / IELTS requirements. |
OL | – | Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons)(R2-DL/340/6/0578) (A9478) | i. Passed STPM / A-Level with full Passed in two (2) subjects; or ii. Graduated in MEDIU’s Foundation Program with minimum CGPA of 2.00; or iii. Graduated in any Diploma in related fields; or iv. Other qualifications recognized as equivalent by the Government of Malaysia.English language requirements for candidates whose primary language is not English: i. 550 TOEFL: or ii. 6.0 IELTS bandNote : HEP needs to ensure entry requirement for English which is English Placement Test cannot replace TOEFL / IELTS requirements. |
Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi (KPT)
On Campus | On Line |
R/340/6/0645 | R/340/6/0578 |
Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia (MQA)
On Campus | On Line |
MQA/FA0782 | A 9478 |
Skim Pengajian | Tempoh |
Sepenuh Masa | 4 Tahun (8 Semester) |
Separuh Masa | 8 Tahun (16 Semester) |
Learning Mode | Workload | Local Student | Foreign Student |
- Untuk pelajar antarabangsa yang belajar dalam mod Kampus (OC), yuran Visa dan Universiti Bon dikecualikan.
- Bayaran Visa & Bond Universiti berharga sekitar RM5,120, bergantung kepada kewarganegaraan pelajar.
- Semua bayaran tertakluk kepada budi bicara Universiti.
Tahun 1
Semester | Course Code | Course Name | Credit Hours | Classification (Major / MQA / University / Faculty / Elective) |
1 | BMTH2023 | Business Mathematics | 3 | Faculty |
1 | BACC2034 | Introduction to Financial Accounting | 4 | Faculty |
1 | LENG1023 | English for Academic Purposes | 3 | University |
1 | BMGT2023 | Management Theory and Practices | 3 | Major |
1 | BAEC1033 | Digital Marketing | 3 | Faculty |
Total Credit Hours | 16 |
Semester | Course Code | Course Name | Credit Hours | Classification (Major / MQA / University / Faculty / Elective) |
2 | MPU3153 / MPU 3183 | Bahasa Melayu Komunikasi / Ethics and Civilization Appreciation ** | 3 | MQA |
2 | BFIN2024 | Introduction to Finance
Pre-requisites: BACC2034 – Introduction to Financial Accounting |
4 | Faculty |
2 | BMKT2023 | Marketing Theory and Practices | 3 | Major |
2 | MPU3222 | Entrepreneurship | 2 | MQA |
2 | BACC2044 | Cost and Management Accounting
Pre-requisites: BACC2034 – Introduction to Financial Accounting |
4 | Faculty |
Total Credit Hours | 16 |
Tahun 2
Semester | Course Code | Course Name | Credit Hours | Classification (Major / MQA / University / Faculty / Elective) |
3 | MPU3193 | Philosophy and Current Issues | 3 | MQA |
3 | BECO2033 | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 | Major |
3 | BSTA2023 | Business Statistics
Pre-requisites: BMTH2023 – Business Mathematics |
3 | Faculty |
3 | BAEC2103 | Management Information System | 3 | Major |
3 | BFIN2033 | Personal Finance | 3 | Faculty |
Total Credit Hours | 15 |
Semester | Course Code | Course Name | Credit Hours | Classification (Major / MQA / University / Faculty / Elective) |
4 | MPU3322 | Integrity and Anti-Courruption | 2 | MQA |
4 | BECO2043 | Principles of Macroeconomics
Pre-requisites: BECO2033 – Principles of Microeconomics |
3 | Major |
4 | BAEC2023 | Business Communication and Technology | 3 | Faculty |
4 | BMGT2033 | Organizational Behaviour | 3 | Major |
4 | BOPE2023 | Operations Management | 3 | Major |
Total Credit Hours | 14 |
Tahun 3
Semester | Course Code | Course Name | Credit Hours | Classification (Major / MQA / University / Faculty / Elective) |
5 | BHRM2023 | Human Resource Management | 3 | Major |
5 | BAEC3533 | E-Commerce Technology | 3 | Faculty |
5 | BAEC4013 | Internet of things and Management of Technology | 3 | Faculty |
5 | BMGT4133 | Leadership | 3 | Major |
5 | BAEC4023 | Knowledge Management and Big Data Analytics | 3 | Major |
Total Credit Hours | 15 |
Semester | Course Code | Course Name | Credit Hours | Classification (Major / MQA / University / Faculty / Elective) |
6 | BMGT3093 | Business Ethics | 3 | Faculty |
6 | BBUS2033 | Research Methodology
Pre-requisites: BSTA2023 – Business Statistics |
3 | Faculty |
6 | BBUS3053 | Introduction to Public Relations | 3 | Faculty |
6 | BMKT3023 | Selling and Sales Management | 3 | Major |
6 | BMKT3053 | Marketing Strategy | 3 | Major |
Total Credit Hours | 15 |
Tahun 4
Semester | Course Code | Course Name | Credit Hours | Classification (Major / MQA / University / Faculty / Elective) |
7 | BMGT2043 | Quality Management | 3 | Major |
7 | BMGT3053 | Strategic Management & Business Policy | 3 | Major |
7 | BMGT4053 | Product Planning and Management | 3 | Major |
7 | BAEC1023 | Financial Technology | 3 | Major |
Total Credit Hours | 12 |
Semester | Course Code | Course Name | Credit Hours | Classification (Major / MQA / University / Faculty / Elective) |
8 | BBUS4043 | International Business | 3 | Faculty |
8 | MPU3412 | Co-Curriculum (Community Services) | 2 | MQA |
8 | BBUS5066 | Project Paper
Pre-requisites: BBUS2033 – Research Methodology |
6 | Major |
8 | BAEC4573 | E-Business | 3 | Major |
8 | BAEC3223 | E-Banking | 3 | Major |
Total Credit Hours | 17 | |||
BBA Total Credit Hours | 120 |